Cell Signaling pGEM® and pSP Subcloning Vectors-continued Product pGEM®-3Zf(+) Vector pGEM®-3Zf(–) Vector For additional information see page 100. AatII 2260 XmnI 1937 ScaI 1818 Ampr NdeI 2509 T7 f1 ori pGEM®-3Zf(+/–) Vectors (3,197bp) lacZ EcoRI SacI KpnI AvaI SmaI BamHI XbaI SalI AccI HincII PstI SphI ori Ampr HindIII SP6 15 21 21 23 26 32 38 39 40 48 54 56 69 1 start 5 Product Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2271 186.00 20 µg P2261 186.00 pGEM®-5Zf(+) Vector For additional information see page 101. XmnI 1994 ScaI 1875 f1 ori pGEM®-5Zf(+/–) Vectors (3,000bp) T7 lacZ ApaI AatII SphI NcoI SacII EcoRV SpeI NotI PstI SalI NdeI SacI BstXI NsiI ori SP6 14 103 112 126 20 26 37 46 51 55 62 73 75 82 94 1 start Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2241 238.00 18 Product pGEM®-7Zf(+) Vector pGEM®-7Zf(–) Vector Product pGEM®-4Z Vector For additional information see page 100. XmnI 1939 SspI 2144 ScaI 1820 Ampr pGEM®-4Z Vector (2,746bp) AatII 2262 NdeI 2511 NarI 2563 lacZ SP6 EcoRI SacI KpnI AvaI XmaI SmaI BamHI XbaI SalI AccI HincII PstI SphI ori HindIII T7 17 23 23 23 25 28 34 40 41 42 50 56 58 70 1 start 7 Ampr pGEM®-7Zf(+/–) Vectors (2,997bp) lacZ Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2161 186.00 For additional information see page 101. XmnI 1991 ScaI 1872 f1 ori T7 ApaI AatII SphI XbaI XhoI EcoRI KpnI SmaI Csp45I ClaI HindIII BamHI SacI BstXI NsiI ori SP6 1 start 100 109 14 20 26 31 37 43 53 56 61 67 72 78 91 123 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 20 µg P2251 238.00 20 µg P2371 238.00 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 309 Vectors 0280VA05_4A 0282VA05_4A 0286VA05_4A 0284VA05_4A Pagina 312
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