Cell Signaling Table of Contents Promega 2012 Life Science Catalog 1 Biochemicals and Labware 2 Cell Health Assays 3 Cell Signaling 4 Cloning and DNA Markers 5 DNA and RNA Purifi cati on 6 Drug Discovery 7 Geneti c Identi ty 8 Imaging and Immunological Detecti on 9 Industrial and Environmental Monitoring 10 Instruments 11 Molecular Diagnosti cs 12 PCR 14 Protein Purifi cati on and Interacti ons ABOUT THE COVER PERCHED ON A TENDRIL An extensively ornamented butt erfl y egg (Dryasiulia) thrones on a Passifl ora tendril. It is a safe place: tendrils are tough as leather so as to hold the plant in place while it climbs up tall trees to reach the lush canopy of the South American rainforest. To create the image, the tendril with the egg was carefully placed on double-adhesive carbon tape. Aft er that, it was covered with a very thin layer of gold - just enough to make the sample electronically conducti ve. Then, it was put inside the high-vacuum chamber of the microscope and slowly scanned with the electron beam, pixel-bypixel and line-by-line. Since the resulti ng digital scan only captures a topographic memory, all the colors have to be restored subsequently. © Marti n Oeggerli 2010, kindly supported by PTU. 1 19 47 71 105 135 147 161 179 183 195 205 13 Protein Expression and Analysis 223 243 15 Reporter Assays and Transfecti on 259 16 RNA Analysis 17 Stem Cell Research 18 Vectors 19 Index and Legal References 285 293 299 313 information visit: www.promega.com/catalog and related Table of Contents Pagina 2

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