Science Catalog 2012 Life Cell Signaling Product ChipShot™ Labeling and Clean-Up Systems Size Cat.# Price (Fr) ChipShot™ Indirect Labeling and Clean-Up System ChipShot™ Direct Labeling and Clean-Up System 25 reactions Z4000 Pls. Enq. 25 reactions Z4100 Pls. Enq. For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The ChipShot™ Labeling and Clean-Up Systems enable researchers to generate consistent, reproducible and sensitive microarray data. The ChipShot™ Systems make it easy for individual researchers to perform RNA and microarray manipulation, regardless of their experience. The protocols are simple, time-tested and easy-to-follow. The ChipShot™ Direct System provides quality reagents and enzymes for generating fluorescently labeled cDNA via direct incorporation of fluorescently modified nucleotides. Labeled cDNA then can be hybridized to a printed microarray. The ChipShot™ Indirect System provides quality reagents and enzymes for generating fluorescently labeled cDNA using a two-step labeling process that includes synthesis of aminoallyl-modified cDNA, followed by conjugation to the CyDye™ NHS ester. Labeled cDNA then can be hybridized to a printed microarray. Note: Customers must supply CyDye™ nucleotides or NHS esters. Features: ChipShot™ Systems • Conserve Sample: Optimized protocols for 5μg of total RNA or 1.5μg of poly(A)+ RNA per labeling reaction. • Rely On Quality Products: Quality-controlled reagents are always available from Promega. • Simplify Your Process: Easy-to-follow protocols. • Increase Productivity: No hybridization reagent preparation and testing. • Count On Technical Support: Outstanding technical support from Promega for the researcher. ChipShot™ Direct System • Increase Productivity: RNA to purified, labeled cDNA in approximately 3 hours. • Get Reliable Results: Separate protocols for CyDye™3 and CyDye™5 labeling, so dye swap experiments are not necessary. ChipShot™ Indirect System • Achieve Higher Yields: Efficient incorporation of aminoallyl dNTP by reverse transcriptase yields more cDNA for labeling. • Get Unbiased Dye Incorporation: CyDye™3- and CyDye™5-label cDNA at a comparable rate. cDNA yield achieved using the ChipShot™ Membrane Clean-Up System compared to competing systems. Storage Conditions: Store the ChipShot™ Direct Labeling System at –20°C, except for the RNase A, which should be stored at room temperature, and the Total RNA Positive Control, which should be stored at –70°C. Store the ChipShot™ Indirect Labeling System at –20°C, except for the RNase Solution, which should be stored at room temperature, and the Total RNA Positive Control, which should be stored at –70°C. Protocol ChipShot™ Indirect Labeling and Clean-Up System Technical Manual Part# TM287 ChipShot™ Direct Labeling and Clean-Up System Technical Manual TM286 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 200 400 600 800 0 290 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: cDNA Yield (ng) 5356MB Competitor A Competitor B ChipShot™ Membrane Clean-Up System Paramagnetic Particles Pagina 293

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