Cell Signaling TNT® T7 Quick for PCR DNA Product TNT® T7 Quick for PCR DNA For Laboratory Use. Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 40 reactions L5540 1016.00 Description: TNT® T7 Quick for PCR DNA is a rapid, convenient, coupled transcription/translation system designed for optimum protein expression from PCR templates. For most PCR templates, the TNT® T7 Quick for PCR DNA reactions produce up to 5 times more protein than other commercially available kits. The PCR-generated DNA can be used directly from the amplification reaction or purified by numerous commercially available kits and traditional methods. Features: • Convenient: Directly from PCR, no cleanup necessary. • High Yield: Up to 5 times more expressed protein than standard translation reactions with linear templates. • Quick: One-tube reaction. • Complete: Reagents including Recombinant RNasin® Ribonuclease Inhibitor are included in the Quick Master Mix. • Good Value: One-tube format means no leftover reagents. • Reliable: The TNT® Systems are rigorously quality controlled to ensure the highest level of transcription/translation. Storage Conditions: Store at –70°C. Do not freeze-thaw the Master Mix more than two times. Protocol TNT® T7 Quick for PCR DNA Technical Manual Part# TM235 Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate System, Nuclease Treated Product Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate System, Nuclease Treated For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate Translation Systems are utilized in the identification of mRNA species, the characterization of their protein products and the investigation of transcriptional and translational control. Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate is prepared from New Zealand white rabbits using a standard protocol that ensures reliable and consistent reticulocyte production in each lot. After the reticulocytes are lysed, the extract is treated with micrococcal nuclease to destroy endogenous mRNA and thus reduce background translation to a minimum. The lysate contains the cellular components necessary for protein synthesis (tRNA, ribosomes, amino acids, initiation, elongation and termination factors). Features: • Consistent: Reliable and consistent translation with each lot. • Optimized and Ready to Use: The treated Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate is optimized for translation and contains an energy-regenerating system (phosphocreatine/phosphocreatine kinase), a mixture of tRNAs (to expand the range of mRNAs that can be translated), hemin (to prevent inhibition of initiation), and potassium chloride and magnesium acetate. • Choose Your Configuration: Learn more about our custom options for this product at: www.promega.com/myway/ Storage Conditions: Store at –70°C or below. Do not freeze-thaw the lysate more than two times. Protocol Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate Technical Manual Part# TM232 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 30 reactions L4960 377.00 Flexi® Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate System Product Flexi® Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate System For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The Flexi® Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate System allows translation reactions to be optimized for a wide range of parameters, including Mg2+ and K+ concentrations and the choice of adding DTT. To help optimize Mg2+ for a specific message, the endogenous Mg2+ concentration of each lysate batch is stated in the product information included with this product. The Flexi® System also offers the choice of three amino acid mixtures and includes a control RNA encoding the firefly luciferase gene. Features: • Improved Efficiency: In an optimized system, the quantity of protein produced can be increased up to fourfold over that of a standard lysate reaction. • Easy Optimization: To aid in optimizing magnesium concentrations, the endogenous magnesium concentration is provided for each lot of Flexi® Lysate. • Choice: The Flexi® System contains three Amino Acid Mixtures, which enable different choices of radioisotopes. • Control Included: Luciferase Control RNA and Luciferase Assay Reagent are included with the system as a functional control. Only full-length luciferase is active. Storage Conditions: Store at –70°C, except Luciferase Assay Wells, which can be stored at room temperature. Do not freeze-thaw the lysate more than two times. Protocol Flexi® Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate Systems Technical Bulletin Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate/Wheat Germ Extract Combination System Product Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate/Wheat Germ Extract Combination System For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate/Wheat Germ Extract Combination System contains both Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate and Wheat Germ Extract for comparing in vitro translation systems. Reticulocyte Lysate is prepared from New Zealand white rabbits. The Wheat Germ Extract is prepared by grinding wheat germ in an extraction buffer followed by centrifugation to remove cellular debris. Both systems contain the cellular components necessary for protein synthesis. The systems have been treated with micrococcal nuclease, which destroys endogenous mRNA and results in minimal background translation. Features: • Choice: Test both Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate and Wheat Germ Systems to find optimal translation systems. • Consistent: Rigorous quality control ensures minimal lot-to-lot variability. • Optimal Expression: Potassium Acetate is provided to enhance the Wheat Germ Extract System for a wide range of mRNAs. Storage Conditions: Store at –70°C or below. Do not freeze-thaw the lysate more than two times. Protocol Wheat Germ Extract Technical Manual Part# TM230 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 24 reactions L4330 319.00 Part# TB127 Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 30 reactions L4540 396.00 13 For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 227 Protein Expression and Analysis Pagina 230

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