Cell Signaling Plexor® qPCR and qRT-PCR Systems Product Plexor® qPCR System Plexor® One-Step qRT-PCR System Plexor® Two-Step qRT-PCR System Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 200 reactions A4031 351.00 200 reactions A4041 660.00 200 reactions A4061 660.00 For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: The Plexor® qPCR and qRT-PCR Systems are multiplex-capable real-time amplification systems using novel base pair chemistry. Each target is measured directly during the amplification process and not through a secondary reaction. Plexor® reactions require only two primers for each target. Multiplex assay design is further simplified by the use of the web-based Plexor® Primer Design program specifically engineered for multiplex assay design. The Plexor® Systems work by measuring a reduction in fluorescent signal during amplification. Amplification uses only two primers, one of which contains both a fluorescent tag and a modified base. As amplification proceeds, fluorescence is reduced by site-specific incorporation of a fluorescent quencher inserted opposite the complementary modified base. The quencher is in close proximity to a fluorescent dye located on the end of the primer, resulting in a reduction in the fluorescent signal. After PCR, a melt analysis can be performed to provide an internal control for the final assay design or to expedite troubleshooting during development. The system also includes a proprietary reagent to minimize primer-dimer formation. Features: • Multiplex Performance: Only two primers are required for each target, making the design of multiplex assays much easier. • Improve Productivity: Less labor, less time and less cost per assay. Measure controls and targets at the same time in the same well. • Enjoy Convenience: The master mix format provides everything you need in one tube. Combine with your template and primers. • Obtain Strong Data: Measure a reduction in fluorescent signal during amplification. Quenching is directly proportional to amplicon accumulation. • Use Your Existing Real-Time Instruments: Works on most real-time instruments capable of measuring more than one fluor. Import and analyze data from your preferred instrument platform. • Three Simple Steps to Use Plexor® Systems: Step 1. Design Your Assay: Choose your primer sets, then order from your preferred oligo provider. Step 2. Run the Assay: Instruction manuals are available for a wide variety of real-time instruments including Applied Biosystems and Roche. All Plexor® assays are designed for the same cycling conditions. Step 3. Analyze Your Data: Export the raw data from your real-time instrument, then import into our free Plexor® Analysis Software. The software converts the quenching data into cycle threshold (Ct) values and generates standard curves. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. Protocol Plexor® qPCR System Technical Manual Plexor® One-Step qRT-PCR System Technical Manual Plexor® Two-Step qRT-PCR System Technical Manual MOPS/EDTA Buffer Product MOPS/EDTA Buffer For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures. Description: MOPS/EDTA Buffer is provided at pH 7.4 for the resuspension and dilution of primers and templates used in the Plexor® qPCR and qRT-PCR Systems. This MOPS/EDTA Buffer must be used with the Iso-dC-containing primers used in the Plexor® Systems, because these primers are sensitive to pH below 7.0. Storage Conditions: Store at any temperature. Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 3 × 10 ml Y5101 65.00 Part# TM262 TM263 TM264 Monoplex Method of Assaying Multiple Targets 1 Target + 1 Control Target 1 Control 2 Targets + 1 Control Target 2 3 Targets + 1 Control Target 3 Plexor® Method of Assaying Multiple Targets 1 Target + 1 Control 2 Targets + 1 Control 3 Targets + 1 Control Comparison of Plexor® method to monoplex analysis. The multiplexing power of the Plexor® System allows you to perform the equivalent of 12 wells of monoplex analysis in only 3 wells. Productivity is increased and savings are realized because you use less master mix and less plasticware, and you have to perform fewer steps. For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 213 Rounds of PCR Overview of the core technology in the Plexor® Real-Time PCR and RT-PCR Systems. Threshold several rounds product PCR iso-dC iso-dGTP Quencher iso-dC iso-dG Quencher Fluor iso-dC 12 PCR Fluorescence 5757MA MA Pagina 216
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