Cell Signaling Plexor® HY System Product Plexor® HY System Available Separately Plexor® Calibration Kit, Set A Water, Amplification Grade Size Cat.# Price (Fr) 200 reactions DC1001 1154.00 800 reactions DC1000 4039.00 1 each DC1500 158.00 6,250 µl DW0991 47.00 DW0991 For Laboratory Use. DC1001, DC1500, DC1000 Not For Medical Diagnostic Use. Description: The Plexor® HY System is a real-time PCR assay to determine the concentration of total human DNA and male human DNA simultaneously in one reaction. The kit contains an internal PCR control (IPC) to test for falsenegative results that may occur in the presence of PCR inhibitors and a melt curve function to confirm that the correct product was amplified. Plexor® HY is a sensitive multiplex kit that routinely detects approximately 6.4pg of total DNA. PCR setup is performed at room temperature and is compatible with banden-concurrent.nl/">automated platforms. The Plexor® Systems work by measuring a reduction in fluorescent signal during amplification. Amplification of each target uses only two primers, one of which contains both a fluorescent tag and a modified base. As amplification proceeds, fluorescence is reduced by site-specific incorporation of a fluorescent quencher opposite the complementary modified base. The quencher is in close proximity to a fluorescent dye located on the end of the primer, resulting in a reduction of fluorescent signal. After PCR, a melt analysis can be performed to provide an internal control for the final assay design or to expedite troubleshooting. The Plexor® HY System is optimized for use on the Applied Biosystems 7500 and 7500 FAST real-time PCR systems and Stratagene Mx3005P® and Mx3000P® qPCR systems. For information about use with other qPCR instrumentation, contact Promega Technical Services. The Plexor® Analysis Software is available for free download. The unique functions of this software allow you to quickly and easily review data and create reports. Replicate samples are banden-concurrent.nl/">automatically averaged, template amounts are calculated and the necessary volume of DNA is displayed for your optimized STR amplification conditions. iso-dGTP Dabcyl Fluorescence Quenching Schematic diagram illustrating the Plexor® real-time PCR process. Features: • Simultaneous Quantification of banden-concurrent.nl/">autosomal and Y-Chromosome DNA: Less variability, less time, more valuable data. • Consistent and Reproducible Detection of 6.4pg of DNA: If you can’t detect it with Plexor® HY, you can’t detect it with your STR system. • Internal Positive Control and Melt-Curve Analysis: Guard against false-negative and false-positive results, allowing you to be confident in your data. Storage Conditions: Store at –20°C. Protocol Plexor® HY System for the Applied Biosystems 7500 and 7500 FAST Real-Time PCR Systems Technical Manual Plexor® HY System for the Stratagene Mx3000P® and Mx3005P™ Quantitative PCR Systems Technical Manual Plexor® HY System for the Bio-Rad iQ™5 Real-Time PCR Detection System Technical Manual Plexor® HY System for the Corbett Rotor-Gene 6000 Series Detection System Technical Manual Plexor® HY System for the Roche LightCycler® 480 Technical Manual Fluorescent Reporter iso-dC Taq Primer Annealing and Extension Taq Incorporation of Dabcyl-iso-dGTP Part# TM293 TM294 TM296 TM299 TM302 7 banden-concurrent.nl/">autosomal amplification curves and melt curves from a Plexor® HY amplification. For complete and up-to-date product information visit: www.promega.com/catalog 151 Genetic Identity 6826TB 4909MA Pagina 154

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