essful Downstream Applications Hot Start Polymerase and Master Mixes Same yield and specificity after sitting at room temperature for 24 hours. M M 12 34 56 Nonspecific product with standardTaq Immediate cycling 24-hour RT incubation Same great yield and specificity after sitting at room-temperature for 24 hours M GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Polymerase (2 & 5) and GoTaq® G2 Hot Start Green Master Mix (3 & 6) were used to amplify a 1.5kb hot-start plasmid model immediately after reaction setup and after sitting at room temperature for 24 hours. Standard Taq (1 & 4) shows non-specific priming and primer dimer formation. GoTaq Hot Start Sample then share your data to qualify for an incredible discount! After you’ve switched to hot start, tweet a picture of your repurposed ice bucket with #GoTaqG2 to @promega. Request a Sample and Share Your Data enews | Fall 2013 11418TB W R H U A T W H I T L I L Y O U D O W Y O S ? Pagina 4
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